Just get the words down

This came to me in a dream. 

Process > perfection 

Here’s another one: 

Failure > Not having tried

Taking a risk is like anything else: it gets easier with practice. 

Letting go of perfection allows the process to unfold in beautiful and unexpected ways. 

Just get it down:

  • the idea

  • the words

  • the drawing 

SFDs, my daughter calls them. 

Shitty First Drafts. 

You gotta start somewhere. Here is a good place to start. 

Be a self-enthusiast

Nothing grows without delight.

Growing up I was taught that pride was bad. It is when it tips over into arrogance or disregard for others.

But pride is not actually a sin. Pride is neutral and an important human emotion.

At its basic, pride is the natural sensation of delight in growth. We delight ourselves because we did something we didn’t know we could do.

Gardeners know this feeling. Artists know it. Friends know this, too.

Last week I had coffee with a friend. At the end she hugged me goodbye and said “I delight in you.”

The feeling was mutual.

Showing delight in someone gives that person fuel to keep going.

Pride and gratitude are bedfellows. Both give us courage.

Enthusiasm for our own progress might be the most powerful motivator we have.

  • When have you felt most proud?

  • What makes you hold your head high and stand up tall?

  • What makes you want to share your good news with others?

  • What makes you proud of you?

Let’s feel good about feeling good.